Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Mobile and Wireless Technologies- Introduction

Today is the second day of the new year. I am not feeling well so I decided to take the day off work. The kids, whom their at midyear vacation, are keen to come to the swimming pool as the weather is really nice.
I am now sitting in a cafe inside the sport club. The atmosphere is really nice and internet connection is available free for all club members. I am writing my blog on mobile and wireless technologies.
There is no doubt that the introduction of mobile and wireless technologies has had huge impact on our daily lives. They have become an integral part of our daily routine. Their biggest impact is yet to happen in the education system. Educators are still exploring their roles and effectiveness on teaching and learning process. Some key benefits that I am experience her in the sport club are:

- Portability and connectivity;
- Anytime and anyplace access;
- Constant access;and
- Keeping in touch
I am sure when we look at the key benefits when it comes to the education sector it is much more than the list I provided.
I will try to address the impact o mobile and wireless technologies on education sector in my next blog. As for now my kids are getting out of the swimming pool and I need to help out 

See you..

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