Saturday, December 1, 2007

Some Characteristics of successful PD plan

I have just finished reading a very interesting paper on what are the key characteristics of a successful PD plan...

key points for success:

Planned and supported by everyone in the college; especially management, teachers and staff.

Oriented toward as specific task, focusing on actual uses of technology to enhance teaching and learning and addresses staff IT needs.

Given enough time to allow for teachers to learn, practice, and apply new concepts and techniques.

Offered to staff members who have access to hardware and software they can practice with in their classrooms or offices during class training and after hours.

Sensitive to staff members’ personal needs and schedules, offering rewards, and release time.

Appropriate to staff members’ current attitudes and expertise.

Flexible in allowing teachers to use what they learn in a variety of ways appropriate to their individual situations.

Supported at every level at the college hierarchy with adequate, ongoing staff and time for person-to-person and small-group instruction.

Accepted throughout the college community as an ongoing activity, not a single event.

Continuously visited, evaluated and improved.

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