Saturday, February 9, 2008


An interesting article is published by the British Computer Society on how the current web 2.0 tools are affecting the way companies do business online. The article highlights the way businesses have been transformed from the sole owners of the contents to contributors to contents creations and to designers of social-based websites with collaborative interface.

Complete article can be read on

Hope you have a good read.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Top Tech Tools for the Classroom

Share with us what you use in your classroom..

We are currently using uboost.
“It's affiliated with weekly reader and allows your students to read the online weekly reader magazine (current events, news, current science, and much more), take quizzes, earn points, and get cool prizes. Take advantage of it because it's free till december. I just got my students on it and they love it!
go to and check it out! “

We are using
“This year in my Language Arts classroom (seventh grade). See my discussion thread for more info. “

How to use GCP in Classroom

How do you use the GCP in the classroom. I like this site and I think they do a nice job explaning the "HOW TO".

I use the followings
“Google Documents for education. www, (Collobrative word processor and spreadsheet and web site bulider)
Filimentality ( lesson plans).
Rubistar fpr teachers. (rubrics)
Thinkfinity Resources and lesson plans ( create tutorials usig screen shots)
GCF (online computer training”.

I use a smart Quiz tool

“I use a smart Quiz tool to create online tests and assessments. The good thing is that I can use images, Flash, music and record narration for my testing content.
You can see a sample at “